Author - Dan

Google Turns 21 | Here’s 21 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Google turned 21 on Friday 27 September. The popular search engine is used by people right across the world and it’s become a really important part of the internet for many. To mark the special day we’ve got 21 facts about the tech giant that you might not know, unless you’ve already googled them yourself, of course!1. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Google is the world’s most visited website. It’s even one of the most-searched terms on Bing.2. Google was started by [...]

Why Client Input Is Critical To Successful SEO Perth

Why Client Input Is Critical To Successful SEO

Effective and successful SEO requires a healthy amount of client involvement. If you’ve ever wondered why you receive requests for images, information and content, here’s why; 1. Quality of Content Is Crucial Google’s algorithm emphasizes quality and valuable content. In Google’s words, highly ranking content will be useful, informative, more valuable than competitive sites, credible, high quality and engaging. We cannot produce content meeting this standard without client input. To produce effective SEO content, we must understand the client’s industry, customers, value proposition, selling points, [...]