Why Client Input Is Critical To Successful SEO

Why Client Input Is Critical To Successful SEO Perth

Why Client Input Is Critical To Successful SEO

Effective and successful SEO requires a healthy amount of client involvement. If you’ve ever wondered why you receive requests for images, information and content, here’s why;

1. Quality of Content Is Crucial

Google’s algorithm emphasizes quality and valuable content. In Google’s words, highly ranking content will be useful, informative, more valuable than competitive sites, credible, high quality and engaging.
We cannot produce content meeting this standard without client input.
To produce effective SEO content, we must understand the client’s industry, customers, value proposition, selling points, selling obstacles and branding — plus all of these items as they apply to competitors.
If clients do not actively participate in the development of website content, they are drastically limiting the our chances of improving organic visibility. Clients can provide the best topic ideas, customer needs and industry specifics since they know the business inside out.

2. The Core of SEO is Content

Over several years Google has refined its algorithm to eliminate many SEO techniques that used to produce better rankings. Previously you could simply pack keywords into the meta tag to boost rankings. Today this is not the case.
There are no shortcuts to SEO anymore. Succesful SEO relies largely, but by no means solely, on creating quality content.

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